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Tús Maith Programme

The Tús Maith Programme, funded by Bon Secours, is an innovative programme introduced by Tabor Group to expand our range of treatment options. Tús Maith, meaning “a good start” in Irish, is a community-based, pre-residential programme designed to bridge the gap between initial assessment and admission to residential treatment.

This programme offers essential support to people who have completed their assessment and are either waiting for or preparing for residential treatment. By providing consistent contact and guidance, Tús Maith ensures participants feel supported during this critical transitional phase.

Programme Aim

To bridge the support gap for people who:

  • Require help with recovery but are unable to immediately attend residential treatment due to other commitments (e.g., family, work, or legal obligations). 
  • Are not yet ready to progress to residential treatment and need further medical stabilisation or mental health support.

Who Is It For?

Tús Maith is available to people who have completed an Initial Assessment with Tabor Group and require residential treatment but face delays due to:

  • Pre-planned commitments: Family events, work obligations, medical procedures, or legal proceedings.
  • Medical or mental health reasons: Awaiting detoxification, G.P. reviews, or additional healthcare professional reports.

Programme Features

Participants in the Tús Maith Programme will benefit from:

  • Two group therapy sessions per week with Addiction Outreach Workers.
  • One individual session per week with Addiction Outreach Workers.
  • Co-creation of a personalised Care Plan, which includes practical actions and guidance to other recovery supports during the transitional period.

Programme Duration

The programme runs for up to four weeks, ensuring participants receive the support they need while waiting for admission to residential treatment or exploring alternative recovery options tailored to their needs.

Referral to Tús Maith

Referral to this programme is through the Tabor Group Assessment & Admissions Team.