Wednesday 30th September marks International Recovery Day to conclude Recovery Month, where we celebrate the gains made by all those in recovery from addiction. We always welcome any improvements made by those who are managing health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease and cancer – so why not addiction too? The observance of Recovery Month reinforces the positive message that people can, and do, recover from a substance use disorder. As we approach the end of Recovery Month and celebrate International Recovery Day, we decided to focus this blog on the 5 stages of addiction recovery. Learning to live with addiction can be complex and challenging, far more difficult than what many people would recognise. Addiction is a debilitating disease, but recovery is possible for each and every individual suffering from addiction. Many individuals impacted by addiction require unique treatment as their specific needs will differ, and although addiction recovery is so complicated, multi-layered and unpredictable, experts in the field have noticed certain trends and stages that most individuals suffering from addiction experience on their recovery journey. There are 5 main stages of addiction recovery that are generally recognised: Stage 1 - Pre-Contemplation Stage 2 – Contemplation Stage 3 – Preparation Stage 4 – Action Stage 5 – Maintenance Some also like to divide them into early, middle and late stages of addiction recovery, but each stage requires various techniques and diverse strategies in order for the individual to be effectively treated. Strategies with an individual in the early stages needs to primarily focus on themselves and abstinence and preventing relapse, whereas in the later phases, strategies shift to focus more on relationships and rebuilding.