With September being Recovery Month, we have decided to focus this blog on the theme of recovery, specifically the possible challenges people face in the early stages of recovery. When the majority of people think about quitting taking drugs or drinking, abstinence is usually the only thing about recovery that is considered. Most people think recovery is all about resisting temptation and if you resist, you’ll be fine. But unfortunately, it’s not exactly that straight forward and simple. Individuals in recovery encounter countless unexpected challenges and hurdles, often the biggest being their own mind. Just some of these common challenges people face in the early stages of recovery from an addiction are outlined below, usually being encountered within the first year of their recovery journey.
A substantial challenge people face during recovery is their own emotions. Staying sober can be a smoother journey for the individual when they’re in a good mood and positive, but nobody is ever permanently in a good mood. Issues and problems arise, no matter how small, which will make us feel a little down for no apparent reason. That’s just human nature. Shame, anger, grief, sadness, anxiety, and particularly stress can all contribute to changing your mood and therefore dealing with these difficult emotions becomes a considerable challenge to recovery. Individuals can turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism to get them through times they are feeling like this. That is why learning strategies and techniques to manage stress and cope with these challenging emotions during your treatment and continuing care can greatly help your chances of maintaining your recovery.CRAVINGS
Most people who are in recovery will have experienced cravings before when they were actively using, but in recovery cravings can be different. When you have a craving for a substance you never intend to use again, it can increase your cravings to the next level. This is something you must learn to deal with, but there are a couple of approaches you can take to help yourself:- Try behavioural strategies to maintain your strength and not give in to your cravings
- Identify and avoid triggers
- Emotional regulation strategies i.e., distracting yourself
- Riding the craving out
- Staying present