Christmas can be a difficult time of year for anyone struggling with alcohol addiction. At all of the Christmas gatherings and social events we are surrounded by alcohol and people who are enjoying it. Not everyone finds Christmas to be such a joyful experience. It can be a particularly difficult period for those individuals who are battling with an alcohol addiction. There is so much temptation Christmas. Such individuals may need to take precautions to ensure that they enjoy a sober Christmas. At this time of year there can be a great deal of media promotion for alcohol consumption. Even family shows will have scenes where people are enjoying themselves while drinking. This is probably the most dangerous time of year for alcoholics and some of them do relapse. Those who return to alcohol may try to tempt other friends in recovery to join them. The build up to Christmas can be financially difficult for many people in recovery. If they have Children, they will need to buy presents. There might also be the expectation that they organize a Christmas meal. This can be difficult if people have not yet managed to sort out their finances.