How to Stay Sober over Christmas

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How to stay sober over Christmas. There are things that people in recovery can do to ensure that they remain sober over Christmas. This is a good time for the individual to put more effort into their sobriety. This could include such things as reading some recovery literature or spending time with one of the recovery communities online.

There are many newly sober people with similar fears about the Christmas period. Such individuals can come together to offer each other support. This can occur online or in the real world. Journaling over the Christmas period can be highly beneficial because it keeps the individual focused on their sobriety. A gratitude journal will remind the individual of the good things in their life that have arrived because of their recovery from addiction.


The drinker has traditions that they look forward to over the holiday season. This could be something like drinking a few glasses of whiskey as they wrap presents. It is necessary for the sober individual to invent new Christmas traditions. These can become even more enjoyable than the previous self-destructive ones. Those individuals who belong to a fellowship like Alcoholics Anonymous can benefit from increasing their attendance at the meetings over the holiday period. This can also provide a nice opportunity to socialize and enjoy the Christmas build up. It is also a good idea to collect telephone numbers of other members, as these can be used if the pressures of the season become too much. If spending so much time with family is starting to feel a bit overwhelming, the individual will benefit from taking a break. Even something as simple as going for a walk can help. If people have a sponsor, they will be able to rely on this person over the holiday period. The good thing about an AA sponsor is that they can offer one-to-one advice and support. Many sponsors are willing to allow their sponsee to contact them at any time of the day or night if there is an emergency. If people do not have a sponsor, then they can still get contact details for people they can contact in an emergency.

Discussing Concerns

Discussing concerns and fears with family members can be helpful. The problem is that many of the general public just assumes that once the individual quits their addiction, the problem is over. So, it may be necessary to tell family members that things like Christmas can still be a challenge.

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