Recovery Month a time to celebrate

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  • Recovery Month – a time to celebrate
Recovery Month Welcome to September and Recovery Month, when we celebrate the gains made by all those in recovery from addiction. We always welcome any improvements made by those who are managing health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease and cancer – so why not addiction too? The observance of Recovery Month reinforces the positive message that people can - and do - recover from a substance use disorder.

Recovery Month

Recovery Month began in the USA in 1989 as Treatment Works! Month, which honoured the work of treatment professionals in the field. This evolved into National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in 1998, when it expanded to include celebrating individuals in recovery. The observance evolved once again in 2011 to National Recovery Month (Recovery Month) to include all aspects of behavioural and mental health. There are millions of people worldwide whose lives have been transformed through recovery. Since these successes often go unnoticed, Recovery Month every September provides a opportunity for everyone to celebrate these accomplishments, to increase awareness and further a greater understanding of mental and addiction disorders. Each year, Recovery Month selects a new focus and theme to spread the message. The 2018 theme ‘Join the Voices for Recovery: Invest in Health, Home, Purpose, and Community’ explores how integrated care, a strong community, sense of purpose, and leadership contributes to effective treatments that sustain the recovery of persons with addiction issues. Tabor Group is proud to be part of the community. We provide dedicated and integrated care for hundreds of people in Ireland every year. Tabor Group is comprised of three residential addiction treatment centres: Tabor Lodge, Renewal and Fellowship House.

How we can help

Opened in 1989, Tabor Group began providing treatment for people suffering with alcohol misuse.  The services have grown to three centres providing support and care to people suffering with addictions to alcohol, substances, gambling and food. Many people come to the realisation that they need help with their addiction themselves and call us. Others see their GP, or confide in a family member or friend that they need help and are referred to us. We are delighted to offer treatment to people from all walks of life and support their families also. However, there are also many people who struggle with addiction and are in denial about their situation and unwilling to seek treatment. You may need to join forces with others and plan an intervention - we are happy to advise you on this. An intervention is a carefully planned process that may be done by family and friends, in consultation with a GP or professional addiction counsellor. It can sometimes involve co-workers, clergy, or others who care about the person with addiction. During the intervention, these people gather together to confront the person about the consequences of addiction and ask him or her to accept treatment.

Staging an intervention

  1. Plan the intervention and be clear about your intention - e.g. I need to speak to you, is now a good time?
  2. Know what it is that you are going to say.
  3. Be specific - Talk about the current problem or issue, no racking up issues from long ago, stay on track.
  4. Speak personally - Express your thoughts, feelings and concerns as your own. Use “I” statements, e.g. I am feeling annoyed/worried/angry/upset….
  5. Acknowledge your own responsibilities - e.g. I know I was impatient earlier….
  6. Stay calm and reasonable - Use your breath to help you remain calm, speak from a position of “I”.
  7. Present clear reasonable solutions - State your commitment to help and support the person in solving the issue at hand. Research the different supports available and provide the person with information around these supports.
  8. Listen to their views and encourage them to share - Show your appreciation for their co-operation.
  9. The person may not yet be ready to accept help and support around their addiction. Acknowledge and reassure yourself that you have done what you can, the next move is now up to them.
  10. Seek help and support for yourself, regardless of their decision.
  This Recovery Month, let’s focus on how a sense of care and strong community can help anyone suffering from addiction turn their lives around, seek the treatment they need and be another reason to celebrate next year!  

Tabor Group

Tabor Group is a leading provider of residential addiction treatment services in Ireland. We provide support and care to hundreds of clients suffering from addictions to alcohol, substances, gambling and eating disorders. For more information on Tabor Group’s services click here.