A common fear for Mothers suffering from an addiction is the perceived fear of losing their children. Mothers are worried that if they were to admit their substance abuse issues and attend an addiction treatment programme, that social services may get involved. This acts as a significant barrier to treatment for Mothers.RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR CHILDREN
When the vast majority of Fathers are accessing addiction treatment, they don’t need to worry about who will take care of their child as the Mother is ordinarily available to do so. It’s important to note that this not the case with all Fathers but is generally the case. In contrast to this, women are statistically more likely to have primary responsibility for their child which acts as a significant barrier to attending treatment. Even if the treatment is a community-based programme, rather than a residential treatment programme, Mother’s will often have more difficulties attending treatment sessions due to their commitments and responsibilities for their children. Furthermore, despite Mothers often having a strong desire to access the addiction treatment they need, the lack of access to childcare services can also be a significant barrier.THE SUPPORTING WOMEN TO ACCESS APPROPRIATE TREATMENT (SWAAT) STUDY
A recent study published by Trinity College Dublin with Dr. Jo-Hanna Ivers, assistant professor in addiction, delved deeper into the subject of women and addiction. The aim of the study was to address a knowledge gap in women’s rationale for not attending addiction treatment. The study identified the high levels of stigma women who use drugs receive in comparison to men. Acknowledging that there is also a stigma present for men who use drugs, but that the social and cultural expectations for women, particularly Mothers. Other notable findings in the study found that childhood trauma was a common theme among the women, with their childhood marked by poverty, bereavement, and family adversity. Below are some of the recommendations the study gave on what might be done differently in order to better support women accessing treatment:- Develop an adequate trauma-informed response for women who use drugs
- Establish gender-transformative, integrated treatment and support services for women who use drugs
- Develop pathways for women to sustain recovery
- Expand pathways to education and training for women
- Support women to rebuild and sustain healthy family relationships