Minister Catherine Byrne Visits Tabor Group
On Friday 28th August 2016, Minister Catherine Byrne & Senator Tim Lombard met with members of the Tabor Group Board of Directors, Senior Management and Staff.
Pictured at Tabor Lodge in advance of her visit with Tabor Group, Catherine Byrne TD Minister of State with Special responsibility for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy with Aileen O’Neill General Manager Tabor Group & Pat Coughlan Chairman Tabor Group.
Pictured Above: Catherine Byrne TD Minister of State with Special responsibility for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy Senator Tim Lombard with Aileen O’Neill General Manager Tabor Group & Pat Coughlan Chairman Tabor Group.
Pictured Above: Catherine Byrne TD Minister of State with Special responsibility for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy, Senator Tim Lombard pictured with members of the Board of Directors, Senior Management and Staff of Tabor Group.