Let’s Stay Positive this Blue Monday

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It’s that time of year again - “Blue Monday”. The so-called most depressing day of the year, but there is no reason why it should be all doom and gloom. We are all told that Blue Monday is a day we could and sometimes even should all be feeling down. If you are told you should be feeling down, it’s only natural to then feel a little down. But here at Tabor Group, we want you to stay positive this Blue Monday, making sure it doesn’t trigger a relapse for anyone in recovery. After all, as the song goes: “It’s just another manic Monday”. Firstly, before we go any further, it’s important to note that there is little to no science behind Blue Monday. Of course, January can be a challenging month for a lot of us and there are undoubtedly several different variables that can contribute to us feeling a little more down around this time of year than usual. Poor weather, Christmas eating habits catching up to us, New Year’s Resolutions falling through the cracks, sky high credit card bills following a Christmas splurge and the Summer feeling like an age away can all contribute to January being a difficult time. That was even before you throw the COVID-19 pandemic into the mix. Factors such as these can all contribute to an increased risk of relapse, but, in this blog, we are going to highlight what you can do to stay positive this Blue Monday and ensure your recovery is not impacted by the January Blues or Blue Monday.


So, what exactly is Blue Monday and how did it originate? Blue Monday dates back to 2005, when a British travel company, Sky Travel, released a press release as part of a PR stunt. In it, they cited Dr. Cliff Arnal, a British psychologist, who had created a formula to calculate the most depressing day of the year. Using the formula, it was calculated that the penultimate Monday in January turns out to be the day that most people struggle with, feeling sad, miserable, and gloomy. Despite the constant criticism in scientific circles, Blue Monday pops up every year receiving more and more media attention.


To ensure you are in a positive mindset and help prevent you from feeling a little down today, we have put together some tips below to help you sail through Blue Monday at ease and eliminate any hint of a relapse threat.
  1. Eat Well - Make sure you eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and protein and make sure you aren’t letting yourself get hungry. Try to avoid eating foods that are highly processed, as well as foods that are high in sugar or caffeine.
  2. Get a good night’s sleep - A good night’s sleep is always important to keep yourself feeling well. We would recommend going to bed at a reasonable time and allowing yourself enough time to unwind and relax, without using screens, before trying to go to sleep which should help you feel better.
  3. Exercise - Getting out in the fresh air to exercise or even a short workout, is a sure way to help lift your mood and keep you positive. We release endorphins while we exercise which is scientifically proven to release positive feelings into our body’s and make us feel better. You don’t need to run a marathon, a short work-out or a nice walk can make all the difference.
  4. Have a chat with your ‘Safe Person’ - It’s important to have a ‘safe person’ that you know you can call at difficult times for support. Whether this person is a family member, friend or someone also in recovery, it’s a good idea to meet up or schedule a phone call / video call with them to help raise your spirits and help prevent the risk of a relapse.
  5. Connect with Friends and Family - Avoid the feeling of isolation by reconnecting with friends, family, and loved ones. Communicate with people several times throughout the day, even a simple text, to make sure you keep spirits high and put things in perspective. COVID-19 may prevent us from meeting our friends and family as freely as we’d like, but we have more methods of staying in touch now than ever before with phone calls, video calls, messaging apps, social media, email and more!
  6. Take Deep Breaths - Breathing is connected to essential functions throughout your body and effects our brain chemistry. Similar to exercising, breathing can positively affect your emotions and your overall mood. This is why deep breathing is essential to an individual’s mental health, particularly when in recovery. Taking deep breaths release “feel-good” chemicals in your brain leading to a feeling of happiness, relaxation and even pain reduction. Deep breathing can be done anywhere at any time which is why it’s a particularly good at reducing the risk of a relapse.
If you find you or a loved one are sinking deeper as the month progresses, and you feel the threat of a relapse is very much there and real, then action is required. These tips are just a start on how you can keep a positive mindset and help prevent a relapse, but if these aren’t working for you or your loved one, you can contact us today.


Tabor Group provides residential & community-based addiction treatment programmes to men and woman over 18 years of age, who are struggling with addiction to alcohol, drugs, and gambling. If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, get help today. We can help you recover in a healthy, friendly environment and beat your addiction. Do not hesitate to contact one of our counsellors today for information by calling +353 (21) 488 7710 for Cork or +353 (1) 639 2962 for Dublin, or alternatively you can email us at info@taborgroup.ie. We can help you.