Tabor Group has developed an expertise in the treatment of addiction which balances respect and care for the individual. Our robust programme and care planning really supports the person and their family to develop the resilience needed to manage their addiction.
We have over 35 years of experience treating addiction. We are confident in our services and our staff, and responsive to the changing needs of our clients. We believe that people can recover from addiction in the right environment, with the right support. We provide this, and will continue to do so for as long as we are needed.
Tabor Group does not have a dedicated detox facility.
Detoxification needs are addressed as part of assessment, and we work in conjunction with the client’s GP or community detox programme. The client is then monitored during a Pre-Treatment Programme and must be clean from all substances or alcohol before entering treatment at Tabor Group.
HSE grants assist with costs of those whose only income is through the Department of Social Protection.
VHI, Laya and Irish Life contribute to the costs of the treatment programme at Tabor Group.
All clients must check their plan prior to admission to confirm the level of cover that will be paid.
Probation Services also provide assistance to clients referred to Tabor Group and some workplaces have schemes which assist with treatment costs. Payment options can be discussed with staff as part of the assessment process also.
Tabor Group is a charitable organisation established to help those impacted with addiction and whatever your financial circumstances, we will endeavour to accommodate you. Our
treatment packages have been tailored, to keep the costs as clear as possible, so each client knows what is expected and included from the start.
A means-tested grant is available towards the cost of treatment by the HSE. Depending on
your personal circumstances, you may be eligible to have some of the costs of your
treatment offset by HSE sanctioned funding.
If a client qualifies for this HSE Funding, any remaining balance payable must be paid in full either on admission or prior to the completion of the residential treatment. This will be discussed with you at assessment, and we will work with you to agree a manageable
payment plan under those circumstances.
At Tabor Group we operate a direct payment scheme with the major private health
insurance companies. Your health insurer may provide cover towards the cost of treatment.
Further information will be available from these bodies based on your cover. A client’s
individual insurance cover can be checked by Tabor Group at assessment stage or can be done by the client in advance.
Some employers contribute towards the cost of treatment.
The full cost of treatment will be discussed with you in full at the Assessment Stage Assessment.
The Assessment Process prior to treatment costs €120.00
Contact the Tabor Group Family Support Programme at 021 4887110. We offer family counselling and a support service which can help you through this difficult time.
You can attend for support and guidance about how to proceed with your family members. We can also assist you to meet with the person concerned so that he/she can understand the impact their behaviour is having on family life and be encouraged to get help.
If you find that you cannot control your substance use, gambling or eating and they are causing unwanted consequences, then you might have an addiction problem and may need to attend treatment to change the situation.
Try the CAGE Self Test- it only takes a minute.
● Have you ever felt you should CUT DOWN on your drinking or drug use?
● Have people ANNOYED you by criticising your drinking or drug use?
● Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking or drug use?
● Have you ever had a drink or a hit first thing in the morning as an EYE OPENER to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
If you answered yes to at least two of the above questions, then you are at a higher risk of having a problem with alcohol or addiction.
We can help. Ring us at 021 4887110 to arrange a confidential meeting and we can help guide you on possible options.
Contact us to arrange a FAST TRACK assessment with a professional addiction counsellor in strict confidence. We would always advise that you are accompanied by a family member or friend to this appointment both for support and as a valuable source of information.
Potential clients need to be free of alcohol and drugs for 72 hours prior to admission to treatment at Tabor Group.