Press Release: 9th December 2019
2020-2030 Strategic Plan
Tabor Group today published its 2020 – 2030 Strategic Plan. Setting out its strategic vision and ambitious goals to support the organisation and to enhance its services and better fulfil its mission to provide excellent addiction treatment services. Building on the achievements of the last 30-years, Tabor Group is committed to continuing to develop and grow the organisation, believing it has a unique role to play in treating and supporting those who lives are impacted by addiction. Over the coming ten years, Tabor Group will continue to develop best practice in the sector. It is seeking to position Tabor Fellowship House as a national "Centre of Excellence" while exploring opportunities to develop a new Primary Treatment Centre. It will continue the development of its clinical services and approaches to ensure excellence, support clients' sustainable recovery from addiction and meet emerging service needs. Tabor Group will maintain its fundamental approach which is to: acknowledge the dignity of every person; have compassion and understanding for all; honour each person's rights fairly; and, provide services to the highest professional standards. Speaking at the launch, Dr Niall O’Keeffe CEO of Tabor Group said, “In addition to these significant developments in infrastructure, facilities and services, the strategic plan is underpinned by a number of operational priorities to drive excellence across all aspects of Tabor Group and to increase the reach and benefits of our approach to addiction treatment.” The overall development for the next ten years will occur in line with the organisations vision “To be a centre of excellence for addiction treatment, research and advocacy” This vision is underpinned by 6 strategic goals, which form the basis for Tabor Group's strategic vision:- Ensure the long-term financial sustainability of Tabor Group
- Further develop our addiction treatment services to ensure clinical excellence, support sustainable recovery and meet services users’ needs.
- Deliver a research, education and advocacy to embed evidence-based practice and be a trusted national voice on addiction.
- Implement a HR Strategy which places the development and well-being of our staff at its core and ensures we have the most expert staff providing the highest quality services.
- Continue to develop our governance and management frameworks.
- Deliver a new treatment and research campus along with opportunities to collaborate and grow our services.