Senator Frances Black, hosts Public Open Meeting to discuss proposed Alcohol Bill
Senator Frances Black visited Tabor Lodge Addiction Treatment Centre in Belgooly, Cork today 6th September 2017 to discuss her upcoming public open meeting in relation to the proposed alcohol bill. This public open meeting will take place on Sunday 10th September, from 7.30-9pm in the Rochestown Park Hotel, Cork. She will be gathering experts, campaigners and community groups and we will hear about the bill, the issues to be tackled, and how everyone can get involved in the campaign to get it passed. It's really important that people can come and have their voices heard. Senator Black will also be inviting Cork-based Councillors, TDs and Senators to come and hear from their constituents. The Meeting is open to the public While at Tabor Lodge, Senator Black met with members of the Tabor Group Board and Management and was invited to speak with family members of those receiving treatment at the centre. Click Here for Directions To - Rochestown Park Hotel
Tabor Lodge
Tabor Lodge is our residential addiction treatment centre, your first port of call, for getting help and treating an addiction. Our 28-day programme consists of one-to-one counselling, group therapy, education, meditation, and nature walks. We believe family support is crucial during rehabilitation and encourage families to participate in a 4 week family programme or attend family counselling. Treatment at Tabor Lodge is available to men and women over 18 years of age who are suffering with addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling or food. Admission is by prior assessment and appointment only. To arrange a confidential assessment please ring 021 488 7110. Tabor Lodge is located 15 miles southwest of Cork City and is surrounded by woodlands and rolling pastures that overlook the Atlantic near Kinsale.