Tabor Group announce €4.8m development of addiction treatment center, Fellowship House.

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  • Tabor Group announce €4.8m development of addiction treatment center, Fellowship House.

Coveney pays tribute

Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Simon Coveney TD has paid tribute to Tabor Group for the work they do with people affected by addiction as he turns the sod on a new €4.8 million development of Tabor Group’s addiction treatment centre Fellowship House, in Cork today. This is part of the wide range of solutions that is being delivered through the Rebuilding Ireland; Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness. When complete, Fellowship House will be one of the most modern facilities of its kind in the country and will assist in addressing the complex needs of many of those that are at risk of homelessness. Minister Coveney was joined by Cllr Derry Canty who was deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Séamus McGrath, members of Tabor Group and Divisional Manager of Cork County Council, Declan Daly.

Press launch

Speaking at the launch, Minister Coveney said “I welcome the €4.8m development of Fellowship House, which will see the service increase its capacity to provide both treatment and independent accommodation for over 30 men recovering from addiction. Tabor Group has played an important role in the treatment and rehabilitation of people with addictions for almost three decades. This project will be a vital support for people who are homeless and addressing addiction problems in Cork.”
Minister for Housing, Simon Coveney, speaks at the Tabor Group's announcement of a €4.8m development of an addiction treatment center in Cork.
Minister for Housing, Simon Coveney, speaks at the press launch of the Fellowship House development.
Cllr Derry Canty reiterated the comments of Minister Coveney and went on to say, “Cork County Council is the Sanctioning Authority for this project and assisted in securing the €4.8 million grant funding through the Capital Assistance Scheme.  Such a partnership approach to the construction of these new housing units with Tabor Group is part of a wider housing programme that is being delivered throughout the county.” Mr. Daly acknowledged all who are helping to make this facility a reality, in particular the approach taken in delivering this facility, “Cork County Council has had a long and rewarding working relationship with the not-for profit housing sector as a way of expanding its social stock and is delighted to work on this project.”

Construction of new addiction treatment centre

Tabor Group is embarking on a state-or-the-art, €4.8 million addiction treatment facility in Togher, Cork. Tabor Group is growing and adapting their services to meet the increased demands of those seeking help with addiction. Outlining the benefits of the development, Aileen O’Neill General Manager, Tabor Group said “This new facility will increase capacity from 10 residents to 16 residents completing a 3-month treatment programme. The facility will include an additional 15 units of accommodation for men who have completed the programme but require a step-down model of independent living, while also providing ongoing support and care. This new project is addressing both the growing addiction issue as well as the increasing homelessness issue here in Cork. “ Building on the new €4.8 million project is expected to be completed by summer 2018. Conack Construction have been appointed to build the centre and over 50 new jobs will be created for the project. Fellowship House sod turning   For more information on Tabor Group, please call Sharon O’Donoghue Marketing & Communications Manager, Tabor Group on 086 3800 991 email or visit Tabor Group is a leading provider of residential addiction treatment services in Ireland. Offering hope, healing and recovery to addicted people and their families through an integrated and caring service. We provide support and care to hundreds of clients each year suffering from addictions to alcohol, substances, gambling and food. Tabor Group is comprised of three residential addiction treatment centres in Cork: Tabor Lodge, Renewal and Fellowship House. Tabor Lodge first opened in 1989 and began providing treatment for people suffering with alcohol misuse. Since then services have grown to three centres, providing support and care to people suffering with addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling and food. Our facilities include:
  • Tabor Lodge, Primary Residential Treatment Centre
  • Renewal, Extended Residential Treatment Centre for Women
  • Fellowship House, Extended Residential Centre for Men