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Gambling Addiction

A Gambling addiction is an overwhelming urge to gamble, even when it begins to negatively impact various aspects of your life. In Ireland, the scale of the problem is alarming, with over €5 billion gambled annually – that’s €10,000 every minute. Young people are particularly vulnerable, with gambling addiction affecting them at two to three times the rate of adults. Worryingly, a leading Irish betting company reports that 77% of its profits come from online gambling, highlighting how the digital age is exacerbating the issue. Online gambling is most common among young men, with 12.7% of 18-24-year-olds and 15.6% of 25-34-year-olds engaging in this form of gambling.

The consequences of gambling addiction extend beyond finances, affecting personal relationships, mental health, and overall well-being. One in 30 adults in Ireland, or approximately 130,000 people, are classified as problem gamblers. At Tabor Group, we understand the complex nature of gambling addiction and offer compassionate, expert care tailored to the needs of each individual seeking recovery.

Recognising the Signs of Gambling Addiction

Recognising the warning signs of gambling addiction can be difficult, as it often doesn’t have the same visible, physical markers as alcohol or drug addiction. However, the emotional, financial and social consequences can be just as devastating. Identifying the signs early can make a significant difference in seeking help and regaining control over your life or a loved one’s life. Some common warning signs of gambling addiction include:

  • Constantly thinking about gambling or planning the next opportunity to gamble
  • Feeling restless or irritable when trying to cut down or stop gambling
  • Lying to family members or friends about the extent of gambling
  • Chasing losses by gambling more in an attempt to win back lost money
  • Borrowing money or even resorting to theft to fund gambling habits
  • Neglecting personal relationships, work, or school responsibilities due to gambling

If any of these signs sound familiar, whether for yourself or a loved one, it may be time to seek help. At Tabor Group, we’re here to offer support and guidance to help individuals break free from the grip of gambling addiction.

We Are Here to Help

At Tabor Group, we understand the challenges of gambling addiction and the toll it can take on individuals and their families. Our team is here to offer non-judgmental support and guidance, using a holistic and compassionate approach to help you regain control of your life. Whether it’s your own gambling habits or a loved one’s, reach out today. Together, we can work toward a healthier, more fulfilling future.

Treating Gambling Addiction

Our treatment programs are designed to address the unique needs of those struggling with gambling addiction. At Tabor Group, we offer a range of evidence-based therapies tailored to help individuals overcome their gambling problems and regain control. Explore our comprehensive treatment services below to learn how we can support you on your recovery journey.